30 Best Travel Tips

1. Patience Is Important

Don’t sweat the stuff you can’t control. Life is much too short to be angry and annoyed all the time. Did you miss your bus? No worries, there will be another one. ATMs out of money? Great! Take an unplanned road trip over to the next town and explore. Sometimes freakouts happen regardless. Just take a deep breath and remind yourself that it could be worse.

2. Wake Up Early

Rise at sunrise to have the best attractions all to yourself while avoiding crowds. It’s also a magical time for photos due to soft diffused light, and usually easier to interact with locals. Sketchy areas are less dangerous in the morning too. Honest hardworking people wake up early; touts, scammers, and criminals sleep in.

Favorite Travel Tips

3. Laugh At Yourself

You will definitely look like a fool many times when traveling to new places. Rather than get embarrassed, laugh at yourself. Don’t be afraid to screw up, and don’t take life so seriously. Once a whole bus full of Guatemalans laughed with glee when I forced our bus to stop in order to pee on the side of the road. Returning to the bus and laughing with them gave me new friends for the rest of the ride.

4. Stash Extra Cash

Cash is king around the world. To cover your ass in an emergency, make sure to stash some in a few different places. I recommend at least a couple hundred dollars worth. If you lose your wallet, your card stops working, or the ATMs run out of money, you’ll be glad you did. Some of my favorite stash spots include socks, under shoe inserts, a toiletry bag, around the frame of a backpack, even sewn behind a patch on your bag. That last one’s for you, Canadians.

My Best Travel Tips

5. Meet Local People

Make it a point to avoid other travelers from time to time and start conversations with local people. Basic English is spoken widely all over the world, so it’s easier to communicate with them than you might think, especially when you combine hand gestures and body language. Learn from those who live in the country you’re visiting. People enrich your travels more than sights do.

6. Pack A Scarf

I happen to use a Shemagh, but sarongs work great too. This simple piece of cotton cloth is one of my most useful travel accessories with many different practical applications. It’s great for sun protection, a makeshift towel, carrying stuff around, an eye mask, and much more.

My Best Travel Tips

7. Observe Daily Life

If you really want to get a feel for the pulse of a place, I recommend spending a few hours sitting in a park or on a busy street corner by yourself just watching day to day life happen in front of you. Slow down your thoughts and pay close attention to the details around you. The smells, the colors, human interactions, and sounds. It’s a kind of meditation — and you’ll see stuff you never noticed before.

8. Back Everything Up

When my laptop was stolen in Panama, having most of my important documents and photos backed up saved my life. Keep both digital and physical copies of your passport, visas, driver’s license, birth certificate, health insurance card, serial numbers, and important phone numbers ready to go in case of an emergency. Backup your files & photos on an external hard drive as well as online with software like Backblaze.

My Best Travel Tips

9. Take Lots Of Photos

You may only see these places and meet these people once in your lifetime. Remember them forever with plenty of photos. Don’t worry about looking like a “tourist”. Are you traveling to look cool? No one cares. Great photos are the ultimate souvenir. They don’t cost anything, they’re easy to share with others, and they don’t take up space in your luggage. Just remember once you have your shot to get out from behind the lens and enjoy the view.

10. There’s Always A Way

Nothing is impossible. If you are having trouble going somewhere or doing something, don’t give up. You just haven’t found the best solution or met the right person yet. Don’t listen to those who say it can’t be done. Perseverance pays off.

11. Smile and Say Hello

Having trouble interacting with locals? Do people seem unfriendly? Maybe it’s your body language. One of my best travel tips is to make eye contact and smile as you walk by. If they smile back, say hello in the local language too. This is a fast way to make new friends. You can’t expect everyone to just walk around with a big stupid grin on their face. That’s your job. Usually all it takes is for you to initiate contact and they’ll open up.

12. Splurge A Bit

I’m a huge fan of budget travel, as it lets you travel longer and actually experience more of the fascinating world we live in rather than waste money on stuff you don’t need. You can travel many places for $30 a day with no problems. That said, living on a shoestring gets old after a while. It’s nice (and healthy) to go over your budget occasionally. Book a few days at a nice hotel, eat out at a fancy restaurant, or spend a wild night on the town every now and then.

My Best Travel Tips

13. Keep An Open Mind

Don’t judge the lifestyles of others if different from your own. Listen to opinions you don’t agree with. It’s arrogant to assume your views are correct and other people are wrong. Practice empathy and put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Embrace different possibilities, opportunities, people, suggestions and interests. Ask questions. You may be surprised at what you’ll learn from each other.

14. Try Couchsurfing

Couchsurfing.org is a large online community of travelers who share their spare rooms or couches with strangers for free. If you truly want to experience a country and it’s people, staying with a local is the way to go. There are millions of couchsurfers around the world willing to host you and provide recommendations. It’s fun and safe too.

My Best Travel Tips

15. Volunteer Occasionally

Make it a point to volunteer some of your time for worthwhile projects when traveling. Not only is it a very rewarding experience, but you’ll often learn more about the country and its people while also making new friends. There’s a great site called Grassroots Volunteering where you can search for highly recommended volunteer opportunities around the world.

16. Pack Ear Plugs

Muffle the sounds of crying babies, drunk Australians, barking dogs, honking horns, natural gas salesmen, and more. A traveler’s best friend.

My Best Travel Tips

17. Don’t Be Afraid

The world is not nearly as dangerous as the media makes it out to be. Keep an eye out for sketchy situations but don’t let that be the focus of your whole trip. Use common sense and you’ll be ok. Most people are friendly, trustworthy, generous, and willing to help you out. This goes for women too.

18. Get Lost On Purpose

If you want to see the parts of town where real people live & work, you need to go visit them. The best way to do this is on foot — without knowing where you’re going. Write down the name of your hotel so you can catch a taxi back if needed, then just pick a direction and start walking. Don’t worry too much about stumbling into dangerous neighborhoods either, as locals will generally warn you before you get that far.

My Best Travel Tips

19. Eat Local Food

Think you already know what Mexican food tastes like? You’re probably wrong. Taste a bit of everything when you travel, especially if you don’t know what it is. Ask local people for recommendations. Eat street food from vendors with big lines out front. I’ve been very sick only twice in my travels. Don’t be scared of the food.

20. Say Yes Often

Be impulsive and say yes when someone randomly invites you to meet their family, try a new activity, or explore a place you didn’t know existed. It’s these unexpected and unplanned situations that add spice to your travels and always turn into the best stories later. Accept the kindness of strangers when you travel — you’ll have plenty of opportunities to do so.

My Best Travel Tips

21. Slow Down

Please don’t try to cram 6 countries into 6 weeks of travel. You’ll miss a lot if you only spend a day in a city or town. All the good stuff happens when you really take the time to explore an area. That’s when you learn about activities that aren’t in your guidebook and meet people who are eager to show you around. Spend more time in fewer places for maximum enjoyment.

22. Keep Good Notes

My memory for details sucks. When I first started my travels 3 years ago, I didn’t keep a good journal, and now I’m regretting it. Information like the names of people I met, conversations I had, feelings about a new experience, or what a particular town smelled like. If you ever want to write about your travels, these details are handy.

23. Break Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Challenge yourself to try things that normally give you anxiety. The more you do this, the more that anxiety will fade away. Not a hiker? Go on more hikes. Have trouble talking to strangers? Talk to everyone. Scared of weird food? Eat the weirdest thing you can find. The reason this works so well while traveling is because everything is already so different, what’s one more new/uncomfortable experience?

24. Don’t Plan Too Much

I cringe when readers ask how many days they should spend in a particular country or city. The truth is I have no idea what you’ll enjoy or who you’ll meet. I thought I’d rocket through Nicaragua in a week or two, but ended up living there for 4 months. My advice is to pick a starting point, 1 or 2 must-do activities, and an ending point (or not).

My Best Travel Tips

25. Pack Less Stuff

You don’t need 1/2 the gear you think you do to travel anywhere. We’ve all done it. It’s a right of passage for travelers to slowly become better at packing less. My first bag was 70 liters packed full, my current bag is 50 liters packed 2/3rds full. As a full-time vagabond, everything I own fits on my back. If you’re not sure about packing something, you don’t need it. It’s also possible to buy most things at your destination country if you discover you need them.

26. Listen To Podcasts

Podcasts are awesome. It’s like creating your own personal radio station and filling it with shows and music you always want to listen to. I never thought I’d actually look forward to a 10 hour bus ride. But with podcasts, it’s possible (well, as long as the seats are comfortable). Time will fly by as you listen to incredible storytelling, fun music, or interviews with experts.

My Best Travel Tips

27. Treat Your Body Well

Travel can throw your body out of whack. When you’re moving from place to place it’s difficult to maintain a workout routine, and many of us slack off. Or we don’t sleep enough. Or we eat too many cupcakes. I’m guilty of not flossing my teeth. Remember to be nice to your body. Get enough sleep, stay hydrated, eat healthy, use sunscreen, and exercise often. And, yes, flossing too I guess.

28. Stay In Touch

Remember to call your family and friends from time to time. Maybe surprise them and go old-school by sending a postcard (it’s in the mail, Mom!). Travel isn’t lonely, far from it. You constantly meet other people. But many of those relationships are fleeting. So maintaining a strong connection with the people who know you best is important.

My Best Travel Tips

29. Get Off The Beaten Path

I know it’s cliché, but you should still attempt it. Seek out interesting and unusual places that don’t see much tourism. Many memorable travel experiences have happened to me in areas that are not easy to visit. By all means travel to popular sites, but don’t rule out other locations just because they’re not on the tourist trail. Although please realize that just because an area is remote or dangerous doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have a life-changing experience.

30. Travel More

If there’s one thing I’ve noticed over the past 3 years, it’s that many people back home love to tell me how lucky I am while making excuses why they can’t travel. It’s too expensive. They can’t get time off work. Who will feed their pets? When I suggest solutions to these “problems”, they still don’t take action. Why? Because they’re often hiding behind the true reason: they’re scared.

Most people who wait to travel the world never do. You don’t need to sell all your worldly possessions and become a homeless vagabond like me. Just get out there more than you do now. Start with a weekend in a different state. Then maybe try a week in the country next door.

The new car, remodeling project, and iPhone can wait. If you truly want to travel more, you can make it happen. Career breaks are possible. You have friends who would love to watch your pets. It’s a big, beautiful, exciting, and fascinating world out there. Explore some of it now, rather than later. ★

Source: http://www.expertvagabond.com/

How Many Hours of Sleep Do We Need?


According to the National Institutes of Health, the average adult sleeps less than seven hours per night. In today’s fast-paced society, six or seven hours of sleep may sound pretty good. In reality, though, it’s a recipe for chronic sleep deprivation.

There is a big difference between the amount of sleep you can get by on and the amount you need to function optimally. Just because you’re able to operate on seven hours of sleep doesn’t mean you wouldn’t feel a lot better and get more done if you spent an extra hour or two in bed.

While sleep requirements vary slightly from person to person, most healthy adults need between seven and a half to nine hours of sleep per night to function at their best. Children and teens need even more (see Average Sleep Needs table below). And despite the notion that our sleep needs decrease with age, older people still need at least seven and a half to eight hours of sleep. Since older adults often have trouble sleeping this long at night, daytime naps can help fill in the gap.

The best way to figure out if you’re meeting your sleep needs is to evaluate how you feel as you go about your day. If you’re logging enough hours, you’ll feel energetic and alert all day long, from the moment you wake up until your regular bedtime.

Sleep needs and peak performance

There is a big difference between the amount of sleep you can get by on and the amount you need to function optimally. Just because you’re able to operate on seven hours of sleep doesn’t mean you wouldn’t feel a lot better and get more done if you spent an extra hour or two in bed. The best way to figure out if you’re meeting your sleep needs is to evaluate how you feel as you go about your day. If you’re logging enough hours, you’ll feel energetic and alert all day long, from the moment you wake up until your regular bedtime.

Think six hours of sleep is enough?

Think again. Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco discovered that some people have a gene that enables them to do well on six hours of sleep a night. This gene, however, is very rare, appearing in less than 3% of the population. For the other 97% of us, six hours doesn’t come close to cutting it.

Sleeping Chart

9 Makanan Ini Membantu Kita Tidur Pulas


Makanan Untuk Tidur Pulas. Aktivitas seharian membuat tenaga dan pikiran kita terkuras habis. Istirahat merupakan cara yang paling efektif untuk mengembalikan stamina yang hilang tersebut. Dalam hal ini yaitu tidur di malam hari yang paling baik sebab mampu memberi istirahat untuk tubuh dan pikiran kita. Sudah pulaskah tidur malam yang kita lakukan setiap hari?

Sebagian besar dari kita mampu dengan mudah tidur malam tanpa ada gangguan dari manapun, sehingga ketika bangun pagi, tubuh terasa lebih segar. Tapi ada sebagian dari kita, ketika malam hari malah sulit untuk memejamkan mata atau sulitnya untuk sekadar tidur dengan pulas. Banyak faktor yang menjadi penyebabnya. Salah satunya makanan yang kita makan merupakan penyebab anda sulit untuk tidur pulas.

Makanan yang tepat dapat membantu suasana hati kita untuk tidur. Menurut The Sleep Council di Inggris, makanan tertentu dikenal dapat membantu agar tidur lebih baik melalui mekanisme yang sama persis seperti halnya kafein yang dapat mengganggu tidur. Meskipun konsumsi makanan berat sebelum tidur dapat menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan dan gangguan pencernaan, beberapa orang menemukan cemilan yang dapat membantu untuk tidur. Makanan terbaik sebelum tidur ialah yang mengandung karbohidrat kompleks dan protein serta kalsium. Inilah mengapa produk susu merupakan salah satu makanan yang dapat menginduksi tidur.

Inilah makanan untuk tidur pulas dan nyenyak:

  • Segelas susu hangat. Biasakan untuk selalu membuat segelas susu hangat sebelum tidur malam. Ini terbukti membuat tidur malam anda lebih pulas karena di dalam segelas susu mengandung tryptophan yang berfungsi merangsang tidur anda lebih pulas. Kandungan kalsium dalam susu efektif untuk mengurangi stres dan menstabilkan serabut saraf, termasuk di otak.
  • Gandum. Mengonsumsi gandum ternyata mampu membantu andakita tidur pulas karena di dalam gandum mengandung magnesium, vitamin B6 serta B12. Ini bisa membuat tidur kita lebih pulas.
  • Sayuran. Mengkonsumsi sayur-sayuran setiap hari atau menjelang tidur dapat membantu tidur malam kita lebih pulas. Sayuran yang dimaksud yaitu selada, brokoli, bayam yang banyak mengandung tryptophan yang membuat tidur malam anda lebih pulas. Kacang polong juga mengandung vitamin B6 dan mampu membantu tidur.
  • Pisang. Memakan pisang sebelum tidur malam membantu tidur malam kita lebih pulas karena di dalam pisang banyak mengandung kalium dan magnesium yang berfungsi mengendurkan otot-otot kita, sehingga membuat tidur malam kita lebih pulas.
  • Popcorn. Popcorn yang mengandung bahan keju mampu membantu kita tertidur pulas di malam hari karena popcorn banyak mengandung karbohidrat serta keju yang banyak mengandung susu. Kandungan dari kedua bahan tersebut membuat tidur malam kita semakin pulas.
  • Daging kalkun. Memakan daging kalkun ternyata mampu membuat tidur kita lebih pulas di malam hari karena dalam daging kalkun mengandung asam amino tryptophan yang membantu tidur malam kita lebih pulas.
  • Kentang. Makan kentang ternyata mampu membuat tidur malam kita lebih pulas karena kentang membantu mengurangi asam yang menghalangi tryptophan (zat yang membuat tidur anda lebih pulas).
  • Almond. Almond sebagai sumber magnesium lainnya yang dapat membantu tidur dan relaksasi otot. Almond bermanfaat menambah pasokan protein yang membantu menjaga kadar gula darah stabil saat tidur, serta mengubah siklus adrenalin tubuh menjadi mode istirahat dan mencerna.
  • Ikan. Kandungan vitamin B6 dalam ikan mendorong produksi melatonin (hormon yang menginduksi tidur karena dipicu kegelapan).

(dari berbagai sumber)

Pasar Seni ITB 2014: Antara Aku, Kita, dan Semesta


BANDUNG – “Antara Aku, Kita, dan Semesta” inilah tema yang diusung salah satu event besar tahunan sebagai penutup di tahun 2014. Pasar Seni ITB diselenggarakan empat sampai enam tahun sekali dengan inovasi terbaru setiap tahunnya dan menjadi daya tarik wisata untuk datang ke Kota Bandung.

Pasar Seni ITB pertama kali diselenggarakan tahun 1972 oleh salah satu pencetus yang terkenal adalah A. D. Pirous yang terinspirasi ketika berada di Amerika Serikat. Seniman di Amerika Serikat saat itu selalu mengadakan pameran kesenian seperti pasar kaget dengan tujuan agar menjaga kerusakan karya dan memacu semangat berkarya para seniman.

Fenomena kehidupan social individu dimasa modern saat ini membawa teman-teman panitia Pasar Seni ITB 2014 mengusung tema “Antara Aku, Kita, dan Semesta”. Hal ini melatarbelakangi penyebarluasan internet dan media sosial saat ini. Seseorang tanpa batas bisa berkomunikasi di belahan dunia lewat internet khususnya media sosial. Namun, kejanggalan mengenai: mendekatkan yang jauh dan menjauhkan yang dekat menjadi inspirasi dari Pasar Seni ITB tahun 2014. Bukan cuma itu, masalah seberapa banyakkah kita harus menerima pengaruh orang-orang sekitar (semesta) menjadi inspirasi bagi event ini.

Kampus ITB akan dibelah menjadi tiga area ketika event ini diselenggarakan. Kampus ITB akan dibelah menjadi tiga area. Area pertama, area aku akan membawa pengunjung mengenal diri sendiri. Area kita sebagai area kedua akan menggambarkan hubungan individu dengan individu lainnya dalam lingkungan sekitar, sedangkan semesta akan mengajak masing-masing individu untuk lebih mengenal diri sendiri dan keberadaannya di alam raya sebagai area ketiga. Lalu apa saja yang akan dinikmati di Pasar Seni ITB 2014?

1. Seni Pertunjukan

Pertunjukan Pasar Seni ITB akan menonjolkan olah gerak dengan melibatkan tiga unsur. Unsur waktu, ruang, dan tubuh yang akan menjadi acuannya. Ada 4 buah pertunjukan seni dalam Pasar Seni, semuanya mempunyai konsep dasar yang mencerminkan tujuan utama dari Pasar Seni ITB 2014.

2. Opening “Aku”

Cerita fenomena individualitas manusia semakin terlihat pada era ini. Para pengunjung harus “berpegangan” ketika akan datang ke acara Pasar Seni ITB 2014 karena pertunjukan makhluk-makhluk di acara ini akan menyeret pengunjung ke jurang kesendirian.

3. Aku dan Garuda

Aku dan Garuda adalah sebuah pertunjukan yang diharapkan bisa membangkitkan semangat nasionalisme di tengah arus informasi dan globalisasi agar kepekaan cinta tanah air semakin terpacu.

4. Jam Manusia

Pengunjung tak perlu membawa jam tangan ke sini. Toh, akan ada “jam manusia” yang akan berdentang satu jam sekali.

5. Closing “Kita dan Semesta”

Para “Aku” akan lenyap di penghujung pasar seni, yang ada hanyalah “Kita dan Semesta”. Kita dan Semesta akan tampil sebagai penutup dari acara ini yang mendekripsikan leburnya “Aku yang bersatu menjadi “Kita dan Semesta”.

Selain lima wahana tadi yang diberi nama “Tak Kenal Maka Tak Sayang Semestarium Kotak Kontak Komplek Karya Raya Museum Satu”, pengunjung akan menikmati berbagai penampilan dari guest stars. Beberapa di antaranya adalah The Rollies, Psychodiva by AMINK, Frigi Frigi, dan masih banyak lagi hiburan di hari Minggu 23 November 2014.

Para pengunjung jangan sampai menyesal gak datang ke acara ini karena hanya diselenggarakan satu hari dari pukul 08.00-18.00 WIB di Kampus ITB dan sepanjang Jalan Ganesha Bandung. Terakhir, untuk pengunjung yang ingin culinary vacation, tak perlu jauh-jauh pindah tempat mencari Bandung Culinary terdekat. Di sini disediakan stand makanan yang akan memanjakan perut.

Sumber: http://www.infobdg.com (edited and modified)

12 Tips To Sleep Soundly Every Night


Sleep issues can be devastating to overall health and well-being, as anyone who’s suffered a night of tossing and turning knows. While it’s frustrating to live with insomnia and other sleeping difficulties, there is hope! Here are 12 tips to help you get peaceful, blissful sleep:

1. Turn off the blue light one hour before bedtime.
Blue light is the most disturbing light when trying to go to sleep because it immediately shuts down your production of melatonin, the major sleep hormone that we produce at night. Sources of blue light include computers, iPads, cellphones, video games, and television.

2. Avoid caffeine after noon.
Many of us fail to realize how much caffeine can impair our ability to get to sleep and remain asleep. Most of us take four to six hours to metabolize caffeine. However, many of us may take much longer. Caffeine blocks the ability of a sleep-promoting chemical called adenosine to work. So think twice about that evening trip to a coffee shop or that dark piece of chocolate you crave.

3. Check that thermostat.
Most studies demonstrate that room temperatures of between 62 and 70 degrees seem to work best for sleeping. The reason is that our core body temperature drops at night. In fact, this drop is a signal to the brain to sleep. A warm room can inhibit this process.

4. Avoid cured meats and aged cheeses such as Parmesan close to bedtime.
Aged cheeses and cured meats contain an amino acid called tyramine. This amino acid, when ingested, increases the release of a hormone called norepinephrine. Norepinephrine is a wake-promoting hormone that is part of the fight-or-flight sympathetic nervous system — certainly not something you want occurring when you’re trying to fall asleep.

5. Eat sleep-promoting foods.
Snacks that are high in tryptophan such as dairy products, cheese, nuts, seeds, and grains, when combined with complex carbohydrates such as whole-wheat toast or crackers, can encourage the onset of sleep. The release of insulin associated with the carbohydrates promotes the movement of tryptophan into the brain. Tryptophan is then converted to serotonin and melatonin, which are sleep-promoting neurotransmitters.

6. Park your worries in another room.
Don’t take your worries or your work into the bedroom. In my book, Sleep Soundly Every Night, Feel Fantastic Every Day, I describe a technique called constructive worrying. At least three hours before bed, write down your concerns and your solutions. Then put them in a desk drawer and leave them there for the night.

7. Make sure your alarm clocks are heard, but not seen.
The alarm clock should be in your bedroom to wake you up in the morning. Anxious glancing followed by calculating and then ruminating about “when will I get to sleep” or “how many hours of sleep do I have left” is a major cause of insomnia. If you’re having trouble getting to sleep, put that clock where it can be heard but out of sight.

8. Exercise regularly.
Study after study has shown that those who exercise regularly go to sleep easier and sleep more soundly than their sedentary friends. In fact, a very recent study has dispelled the myth about exercising too close to bedtime. In this study, even those who exercised close to bedtime slept better than those who did not.

9. Avoid excessive alcohol close to bedtime.
Unfortunately, many alcoholics started out drinking to help them fall sleep. Although initially alcohol may induce sleep, as it leaves the body, it causes an increase in body temperature and triggers the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight). As a result, it hinders your ability to stay asleep, and as time passes, you require more and more each night to fall asleep — not a good formula for health or sleep.

10. Quiet please.
If you’re having trouble falling or staying asleep, it could be the noise. The noise might be coming from your snoring spouse or that loud music that your recently returned 28-year-old is playing. In any case, most of us need quiet to sleep. The remedy can be as simple as a good pair of custom earplugs or getting your spouse to see someone about that snoring … or in some cases, considering a bedroom divorce.

11. Check that mattress.
An old mattress can be an unrecognized source of poor sleep. Most mattresses should be changed after seven years. With the new memory foam and air number mattresses, you can customize the degree of firmness to your comfort level.

12. Relax those muscles.
In the book, I describe a technique called progressive muscle relaxation. It’s a sequential tensing and relaxation of various muscle groups accompanied by rhythmic breathing. It is simple to learn and very effective. It accomplishes two things: One, by relaxing muscles, tension is relieved, which in turn relaxes the mind. Two, the very activity takes your mind off everything else and serves as a form of meditation.

These are just some of the things you can do to help your sleep. The crucial point is to realize how important sleep is to good mental and physical health. So please make sleep a priority.

Source: http://www.mindbodygreen.com/